Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Back to the daily grind

I've been "gone" for over a month...and while I wish we were at Disney the entire was only for a week.  But what a wonderful week!  We has lots of fun, got little sleep, and made wonderful memories.  Phil and I even had a few "mini-dates" going on rides while my mom played with the kids.  After we returned home we all needed a vacation from our vacation! So we took it easy.  My in-laws were great and took charge of Thanksgiving...we showed up with pumpkin pie and whipped cream, ate, let the kids play, and went to bed early.  PERFECT!

Phil returned to work after 2 weeks off, and it's been an adjustment for us all.  The kids are enjoying getting "back to normal" with daily trips to the park and play dates.  But, every morning, Hailey asks if it's the weekend yet...and Dom follows him to the door with the saddest puppy dog face-which is really rather cute, and sad.

I'm most grateful this year for my family and our good health.  It's easy to take for granted until we're faced with illness or other medical complications.  And secondly, for friends.  Over the past 8 months, God has placed some really awesome women in my life, and instead of getting too mushy, I'll leave it at that =)

Happy Advent everyone! I pray this is a fruitful Advent season for all of us as we prepare for Jesus' Birthday!  I'll be following up with a fun little Advent project my sister-in-law is going to help me finish(hopefully) next week-but don't hold your breadth...might be 2011 before I get another post and pictures up!

Hailey was so proud to "ride" by herself!