Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shopping 101

Hailey taught me early on the importance of encouraging little ones to ride in the cart at the store.  Once she was too mobile to carry, we went through the phase of her wanting to walk, not ride.  Ok...I only had one little one to chase around, so I'd let her walk.  Who was I to confine her to the shopping cart?  Fast forward a year.  I was 9 months pregnant with Dominic and half way through Costco, Hailey finishes her snack and gets down to "help" mommy.  As I chased her (gimping w/bad sciatica) from the back of the store to the registers, dodging other carts/shoppers/onlookers, I couldn't help thinking, "I'll NEVER be able to shop w/two"!  But I should know better than to think too far ahead.  Once Dom could sit up in the cart, both kids have had so much fun on our shopping adventures.  We still have snacks, and the ultimate bribe-a lollipop, but we all have a lot of fun pointing out things, singing (yes-"wheels on the bus", and "if you're happy and you know it..." can be heard two isles over) and discussing what foods would be yummy to eat for dinner.  Now that Dom's walking, our last few trips have given me flashbacks of chasing I might start going by myself for big trips.  But I'm truly grateful for all the fun times we've had and look forward to more in the future! These pics are from a couple months ago:

Sometimes only Hailey can bring a smile to his face

"Act as if every dat were the last of your life, and each action the last you perform." ~St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori


  1. Those double Costco carts are so great! I'll have to start going over there more just for their carts. Do you know where you can get the double covers? I'm a germaphobe again, after we've been sick with 3 or 4 colds in the last couple of months.

  2. We got an Itzy Ritzy cover the week I took these pics, lol! I think I ordered it off w/a 15% coupon...check out their re-usable snack bags too!
